Emergency Services

In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately. 

We could not be prouder of the highly trained first responders in Elkford. Whether you need someone to pull you out of a burning building, rush you to the hospital or to keep you safe in an emergency, Elkford’s first responders are first-class (and essential to our community). 

In Elkford, you’ll find a fully staffed fire department operated by the District of Elkford, as well as a BC Ambulance Service and an RCMP detachment. Our Fire Hall and the ambulance bay are both located at 2300 Balmer Drive, and the RCMP detachment in Elkford is located next door at 2000 Balmer Drive. 

At this time, to access an emergency room or facility with emergency services directly, you must visit the hospital in Sparwood or in Fernie.


Non-Emergency Contact Information

  • Elkford Fire and Emergency Services: 
  • BC Ambulance Service:
    • 250.865.7362
    • 2300 Balmer Drive (in the Fire Hall)
  • Elkford RCMP Detachment:
    • 250.865.2232
    • 2000 Balmer Drive


Dangerous Animals/Wildlife Encounters

Report all wildlife encounters and dangerous animal sightings in Elkford to the RAPP (Report All Poachers and Polluters) line, operated by the BC Conservation Officer Service by completing their form here or by calling their toll-free, 24-hour hotline at 1.877.952.7277.

After reporting this to the BC Conservation Officer Service, you may also contact Bylaw Enforcement at 250.865.4024 to see if additional local action can be taken.

Be advised that outside of Hollywood, fighting off a grizzly bear or an angry bull moose with your bare hands is a terrible idea. Please do the right thing and call it in!